Meet the Crew
Darla is the all-time veteran of the Crew. Her career in fitness started back in 1992 with step aerobics. Having a passion for fitness, Darla had many instructing positions until it finally led to owning DASH with Ashley. Her favorite class to teach is Total Body Tone.
Ashley (Darla's daughter) began teaching fitness classes right out of high school. Growing up, Ashley followed Darla to all of her fitness class and watched from the sidelines. She has a passion for STEP + good LOUD music! You can bet that if you are toning with Ashley, it is LEG DAY!
Aka Kaitlin is our ultimate back-up girl. She was drug into this position by Ashley, but was a natural from the start. Gladys loves a good 90s Country playlist and anything but Kickboxing! Gladys gets her nickname because of her old soul and KIND HEART.
You can bet if you find Shannon on camera it's going to be a GREAT time. Always there to make us laugh and smile, but a great motivator as well. Shannon LOVES to cycle to some good old 80s Rock. His favorite class to "help" instruct is HIIT. He is also our Marketing Manager.
AKA Smalls! Dane is a long time survivor of Ashley and Darla's workouts! He has been a huge asset to our DASH team; specializing in BAR Strength and cycling, Dane is sure to make you sweat your butt off... if you don't, he'll sweat enough for the both of you! Dane, being the tall guy he is, can still SHAKE his hips - if you want more, JOIN HIS ZUMBA classes.
Doesn't that smile just make you want to HUG her?! School Social worker by day and stretch queen by night! Jeri has a special touch to making you relax your mind and body, you won't want to miss. it! Jeri is WILD and CRAZY, so I'm sure we will find more classes for her to teach soon!